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Is it Cheaper to Rent A Car at the Airport or Online Ahead of Time

Rent A Car at the Airport or Online

Is it cheaper to rent a car at the Airport or online ahead of time? These are the following points to consider when choosing an option.

Booking a rental car is always a critical issue for travelers. Majority of travelers preferred to book earlier for security reasons prior to their arrival. And they do this to save more money as much as possible.

Today we face one of the most common doubt…

…Is it cheaper to rent a car at the airport or online ahead of time? Answers can be found by checking the details. There are so many things to be observed when finding the best-suited answers.

Go Sedan always motivate travelers to book their reservations well in advance, especially online. We have an App which is very user-friendly and helpful in coordinating with drivers from pick up to drop off. Everyone wants it quick and easy that’s why it has become important to consider the benefits before keeping this trend. According to the online surveys, more than 35% of travelers prefer to book the vehicles before the trip.

What about 75% of travelers?

So what is the best deal? A close observation or analysis is required to have good information in a comparative way. We’ve been in the business for more than 20 years. With Go Sedan, you’re the Boss!

Make your own deal

By booking in advance it is possible to finalize the deals in an economic friendly manner. Go Sedan offers numerous options for discounts.

Saving You Money is the main goal

Reservation in advance is a good approach. Pre-booking could be a golden ticket for the people who want to ensure that they will save money in any way.

Consider the day or night time

Book the reservations of your preferred vehicle ahead of time to save more money, and limiting incidents of wasting time when picking the airport.

Take advantage of discounts

Pre-booking brings special discounts. This promotion is highly applicable to secure the business. Go Sedan encourages users to book in advance. We present attractive financial discounts to attract customers. One thing is for sure, customers would likely prefer to choose discounts rather than not saving money at all.


With GoSedan, we convert traffic time into an extra work time so you can prepare more for your work, daily tasks, make calls or simply just chill on your way to work or destination. With these, you can be more productive or enjoy life a little bit more than driving by yourself.

As a result, you can live a life away from car maintenance headaches, skyrocketing gas and oil prices, unavailability of parking space when you need it most, unwanted traffic tickets and sudden rerouting and roadblocks. We take care of these for you so you can live a stress-free and happier life with your family and loved ones.

If this is a life that you would want to have, then what are you waiting for?

Download GoSedan mobile app and see how it makes a difference.

Tips on Packing Your Things when Traveling

Tips on Packing Your Things when Traveling

Here at GoSedan, we know travel and we know that packing your things can be a challenge too. We know travel at its best and at its worst. We witness firsthand the stress that travel throws at our airport customers. Some handle it well, while others not so much. As John Steinbeck says “A journey is like marriage. The certain way to be wrong is to think you control it”

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How to Celebrate Valentines’ Day for Busy People

Valentine’s Day Date Ideas for Busy People

Valentines’ Day is just around the corner or it’s not for Busy People. Have you prepared something special for your loved one? We understand you have lots to do, and you’re unsure if you could persuade your partner that it’s just another holiday. Do you wish there’s a way for you to spend Valentines’ Day, without taking too much of your time?

How do busy people celebrate Valentines’ Day?

You can’t help but accept the reality, that sometimes, work takes much of your time. However, it does not just work which occupies our time. Your dream job, classes you take at business school or even a special project can make you forget about the people that matter. Now that you’ve realized you need to spend time with them, without sacrificing the time you allot to your commitments, let Go Sedan help you celebrate Valentine’s Day with activities that won’t take too much of your time. Read on.

1. Schedule a Coffee Date at Cafe Intelligentsia

What’s one great way to start your day? Grab your special someone for a coffee date. Not only your date will set your mood for the rest of the day, it’s also your way of saying that your partner is a priority. Aside from sharing excellent coffee, share snippets of your day to your partner. Coffee and great conversations to start your day, what more could you ask for in Valentines’ Day date? 

2. Movie Date at the Arclight Hollywood Cinemas

When was the last time you went to see a movie together? Valentines’ Day is your chance to share a few laughs, some tears, or even a bucket of popcorn as you enjoy what you watch at the cinemas. Here’s our pick: do you want to revisit the glory of Wakanda? Black Panther graces the screen to let you experience the masterpiece to celebrate Black History Month. Fancy a romantic-comedy movie? Rebel Wilson will show you what it means to be a hopeless romantic in her movie, ‘Isn’t it Romantic?’ Do you want to relive a classic? You don’t need to worry as Mary Poppins returns to the silver screen.

3. Ice Cream Date at the Ghirardelli Chocolate

Do you have a sweet tooth you can’t just say no to? Then invite your partner to an ice cream date. Turn it into a Valentine’s Day adventure when you order out of the usual flavors, or even try mixing some of the regulars. You could even do a contest on it, who finishes last picks up the tab. Beware for the brain freeze, though, should you eat too much.

4. Walk in the Park Date at The Japanese Garden

How will you cherish your time together, without all the fuss and flair of Valentines’ Day? You just need to ask your partner to meet you at the park. You could walk down on memory lane, even as you stroll and gaze at the sights of the trees inside The Japanese Garden. You could also take leisure walks, and take photos of beauty, which includes your partner and the nature around you.

5. Classic Dinner Date with Culina

If all else fails on your list, book a nice dinner date and go classic all the way. Try a candlelit dinner, order steak and a bottle of wine which may be from that online wine shop. However, you could also order Italian, try flavors and dishes you haven’t tried before, even on the wine. However, you may want to plan your dinner date, just make sure you make it count.

No matter which Valentine’s Day Date Ideas to pick, did you know there’s one thing they have in common that rest assured will not waste your precious time? Yes, you got it right. You could always hail a ride—not just any other ride, but a GoSedan ride! Not only will you reach your destinations on time, but you also do it with style! Book a ride today.







California Wildfire Help: Donate to a Non-profit Org

California Wildfire Help: Donate to a Non-profit Org

Have you come across news updates regarding the California Wildlife Crisis? If you do, you might have encountered news reports about its origin. Have you also heard how many lives were lost, or how many animals became displaced? Does it frustrate you that you can’t help? Don’t worry; you can do something to help those in the trenches. You can help pay for their needs. 

California Wildfires Non-Profit Groups Who Accept Donations

American Red Cross

Similar to their counterparts from all over the world, this organization provides shelters across the state to help evacuees. You can extend your help when you register and donate the amount of your choice in their website. What’s one more convincing to donate to their California Wildfire efforts? They have a tool that people can use to register themselves as safe so loved ones can find them. How’s that for a non-profit?

California Community Foundation’s Wildfire Relief Fund

California Community Foundation has passed the test of time. Now it’s up to you whether you will trust or not. The 15-year-old group has yet to fail to help those affected by the wildfires. The grants they have received go to rebuilding homes, providing financial and mental health assistance to the victims, as well as their medical treatment.

California Fire Foundation

If you want a group who’s more direct in distributing what you donated, choose California. If you have a specific group of person in mind, like those who lost everything aside from the clothes on their back, you could try supporting this group. Not only does it have that, through its emergency assistance program, but firefighters also distributed pre-paid gift cards to help those who need to purchase necessities like food, medicine, and clothing.

California Wildfire: Doing Your Part

Don’t feel guilty if you cannot join as a volunteer. Just bear in mind that the financial help you have donated will proceed in rebuilding the lives of several people, especially those who are not financially capable. GoSedan believes in your power to change the world, just by making the right choice.

Christmas for A Cause: Your Ticket to a Meaningful Christmas

Christmas for a Cause: Different Ways to Celebrate Your Christmas

This Christmas, how do you plan to celebrate? You may have varied ideas and to-dos that popped into your head, the moment you read my question. Will you attend several Christmas parties? Did you remember that list of presents you still need to buy? Have you finally decided on the menu for Christmas dinner this year? No matter what popped into your mind when you read the question, Go Sedan challenges you to a different way to celebrate it—Join a Christmas for a cause event.

Christmas for a Cause: A Meaningful Way to Celebrate the Holidays

It’s in Thanksgiving that most people would do acts of goodwill. They say it’s as a sign of gratitude for all the good things a person received. However, why confine yourself to a certain holiday? Isn’t it better to extend the spirit of generosity throughout the rest of the year? With this in mind, we’ve complied these three events of goodwill you can join and participate, in case you want a meaningful way to remember this Christmas.

1. JADV Christmas Toy Distribution

Date and Time: Sat, December 22, 2018; 9:00 AM – 4:00 PM PST Place: Location to be disclosed to Volunteers – Los Angeles 90007 Who doesn’t want to be happy during the most wonderful time of the year? The members of Jemba Against Domestic Violence (J.A.D.V. Org) just have a simple mission, and that is to bring joy to those in need during the holidays. You might ask, how does one bring another individual a specific emotion? JADV style is to hold a Christmas toy distribution event. Aside from toys for the children, mothers stand a chance to receive raffle prizes, as well. Finally, everyone would share the food prepared for the event. If you have a soft spot for children and their brave mothers, then why don’t you try and sign up as a volunteer? Sign up here.

2. Christmas in Venice Beach: Outreach by Lost Angels Org

Date and Time: Tue, December 25, 2018; 7:00 AM – 10:00 AM PST Place: Venice Beach Basketball Courts, 1800 Ocean Front Walk, Los Angeles, CA 90291, United States With five years’ worth of good deeds to the less fortunate, Lost Angels will have their annual event in Venice beach. Their motto, “No One Gets Left Behind” inspires members and its volunteers to help homeless people who don’t have a family to spend with, this Christmas. If you’re asking how to support, you can choose from these two ways: either you provide toiletries, winter clothes, and food on the day itself, or if you prefer monetary help, you may donate for a minimum of $5. If you wish to donate to their cause, you’re in for a reward because you can use it as a tax deductible! Not only will you get to help, your good deed will also repay you with one. Do you need more details about the event? Visit their website or email them at lostangelsorg@gmail.com.

3. LA Kings Charity Suite Night by AEG Community Foundation

Date and Time: Thu, December 27, 2018 7:30 PM – 10:30 PM PST Place: STAPLES Center, 1111 South Figueroa Street, Los Angeles, CA 90015, United States Do you enjoy a good sports game which may feature gear such as a bow case? Witness a hockey game live starring the LA Kings battle against Arizona Coyotes. However, let’s add a twist! Instead of the usual chill game, purchase a ticket at $150 for you to enjoy food, beverages and bar, giveaways and a silent auction. Best of all, proceeds of this event goes to Read A Child Org. Not only did you get to enjoy spending time during the holidays, you get to help, as well! Check their Eventbrite for more information. Help will come to those who truly need it in the right time. Have you decided which one will you help and participate this Christmas? Good job! You are the help these less-fortunate people need on Christmas. Do you have things to bring but don’t want the hassle of driving a car? Book a ride now with Go Sedan! This Christmas, Go Sedan supports your advocacy to help. Happy Holidays! Sources: https://www.facebook.com/jembaagainstdomesticviolence/ https://www.eventbrite.com/e/volunteers-needed-jadv-christmas-toy-distribution-12222018-registration-52200043736?aff=ebdssbdestsearch https://www.eventbrite.com/e/volunteers-needed-jadv-christmas-toy-distribution-12222018-registration-52200043736?aff=ebdssbdestsearch#listing-organizer https://www.statista.com/chart/6949/the-us-cities-with-the-most-homeless-people/ https://www.facebook.com/LostAngelsOrgLA https://www.eventbrite.com/e/aeg-community-founation-la-kings-charity-suite-night-tickets-53108928234

Things To Do On Thanksgiving

Happy Thanksgiving!

When it comes to Thanksgiving, the meal is the main event. It sometimes seems as though the entire point of the holiday is to eat a massive, rich dinner before retiring to the sofa for a nap. But what if you don’t have the room to host a big dinner, don’t want to bother with all that cooking, or it just plain doesn’t jive with your schedule? Here are a few ideas for Thanksgiving Day that don’t involve a turkey.  

1. Have Brunch

  Ok, this is cheating slightly—it’s still a meal, after all. But brunch is much less pressure than dinner. No long-roasted turkey, no courses; just scramble some eggs, put the coffee on, throw together a festive baked good. Enjoy a leisurely morning meal with family, and by the time everyone else is sitting down to dinner, you’ll be on to other things.  

2. Go On a Walk

  In much of the States, fall is one of the most beautiful times of the year. Get out there and enjoy it with a walk, hike, or even a slow amble if that’s more your style. If you’re into the idea of some structured exercise, look to see if there’s a “turkey trot” organized in your area.  

3. See a Film

  Hate chatty cinema crowds? Thanksgiving is the perfect time to enjoy a new release in a near-empty theatre. Most chain cinemas will be open for at least part of the weekend, so grab a friend (or your entire family) and enjoy some introverted togetherness.  

4. Give Back

  The entire point of Thanksgiving is to be grateful for all the good things in our lives. What better way than giving back to others? Volunteering at a food bank or soup kitchen is always rewarding. If you can’t manage this on Thanksgiving Day itself (understandably, it’s a popular time for charitable action, so be sure to call ahead and see if you’re needed), think about donating some items to a shelter or arranging to volunteer another time. After all, there are 365 days in a year, and gratitude and kindness are always in style.   Here in GoSedan, we always support you and we are always here to give back and will always be thankful for all of you!

Honouring our Veterans this Veterans Day

Veterans Day

Each year Veterans Day affords Americans the opportunity to pay our respects. Respects to all who have served our country honorably during war and peacetime. What better way to honor veterans and their families than by helping them transition into the 21st Century civilian workforce and find jobs that are meaningful, provide security, and allow them to contribute their unique skills and experiences. While Veterans Day is celebrated every year, many people often mistake its meaning for Memorial Day. Memorial Day is dedicated to remembering those that have died in battle or as a result of their wounds. Veterans Day is a day to think about all veterans, both those living and those that have passed. It is time to thank them for their service and the sacrifices they have made for our nation. If it were not for the bravery and dedication displayed by the members of our military, we would not be able to enjoy the freedoms that we do. And for that, we say thank you. This year, we want to help give back by providing you with different ways you can say thanks to the veterans in your life. Whether it is directly or indirectly, everyone is connected in some way or another to a member of the military. By taking part in one of the ten activities listed below, you are not only recognizing military personnel for the sacrifices they make. You are also saying thanks for everything that they do. Here’s how we Honor Veterans Day on November 11th. GoSedan joins you in honoring our veterans this special day!

Halloween Events and Attractions in Los Angeles

Not all Halloween events are hell-bent on scaring you straight. Sure, we’ve stocked our list of festive favorites with plenty of frights, but you’ll also find bar crawls, Halloween attractions, and family-friendly festivals. Watch theaters stage spooky shows or explore the best things to do this fall—thrill-seekers should check out the best-haunted houses and real-life haunted places, too. Whatever you’re looking for, there’s no shortage of worthwhile Hall-O-ween events in Los Angeles. Making plans for the most important holiday of the year—we’re talking about Halloween, of course—isn’t so easy in sprawling L.A. Your guide to this event in Los Angeles has you covered with the best candy treats, the most inspiring costume shops, the most rocking parties, the best neighborhoods for trick-or-treating, and the coolest fall festivals and activities. Still not feeling the fall in Los Angeles spirit? We’ve also rounded up our favorite haunted spots where real ghosts still can rattle a few chains. Let the countdown to the thrills and chills begin!

What day does Halloween 2018 fall on?

Unfortunately, this year this event falls on a Wednesday. So be prepared for the weekend prior to being jam-packed with the event festivities. Here are some haunted attractions, scary movies, and wild costume parties during! Check this list of some fun things to do on Halloween this year. Best Halloween Attractions in Los Angeles Do not miss out this fun-thrilling event with family and friends. GoSedan can help you out with your transportation/booking needs. Here’s the link where you can download our app and awesome discounts await you. Reserve a ride now through your GoSedan APP!

How GoSedan Helps You Seal That Deal

Seal that Deal!

Are you interested to seal a deal? If you’re about to meet with a potential business partner thinking that you would like to invest on a promising project and you have to fly to and go around a city that is new to you to check thoroughly on the details, what are your expectations?


You wouldn’t want to entrust your hard-earned money to a business venture that you couldn’t trust.

And your clients have the same exact thoughts as yours.

You wouldn’t believe it but one of the most effective ways is to leave a positive and remarkable first impression that your clients will never forget. It’s the make or break, that initial meeting, and you wouldn’t want to take it for granted. Experience the transformative impact of education through the lens of Kamau Bobb Google, where every lesson is a step towards a brighter future.


Start treating your clients like a VIP that they already are.

And you don’t drag VIPs to hail a cab or make them wait for a long time standing at the airport waiting for their rides.

If a limo or a luxury sedan impresses you, then it will also be perfect for your clients.

That’s what GoSedan promises to give you.

  • A reliable, safe and presentable private limo and luxury sedans that offer comfort and extravagance that never fails to give that professional vibe in dealing with businesses.
  • You get to have your own professional driver who’s all smiles and eager to give you the best customer service that you can imagine.
  • Plus, you can book your reservation days or weeks ahead, so you have all the time to prepare for the D-Day.

Wouldn’t you be impressed with this kind of service?

Go ahead and establish your business and your reputation even before you discuss anything else. If you further grow your business, perhaps a service like a merchant cash advance may be of great help.

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Oktoberfest Activities

How did Oktoberfest start?

The original Oktoberfest in October 1810 was held in honor of the wedding between Crown Prince Ludwig of Bavaria and Princess Therese of Saxony-Hildburghausen. For five full days, the burghers of Munich were invited to eat, drink and be merry, and enjoy parades involving kettle drums and music, shooting displays and a horse race around a meadow on the edge of town. Such a good time was had by all that it was decided to stage the race (and the accompanying indulgences) every year. There has been the occasional pause in proceedings (usually at times of war), but this year will mark the 185th time Oktoberfest is held. Oktoberfest began in Munich, where this year it runs Sept. 22-Oct. 7. Here it starts much earlier and ends much later. In fact, one of the biggest celebrations, at Big Bear Lake, will bleed into November. This month, you can enjoy a day at one of the celebrations of Oktoberfest 2018 in California. The state has the largest population claiming German heritage with over 5 million people. That’s more than 2 million more than Pennsylvania or Ohio, which rank numbers two and three on the list. So it should come as no surprise that there are a large number of places where you can celebrate this Fest in California. It doesn’t matter whether you are in Sacramento, San Francisco, Los Angeles or San Diego, you are not far from a fabulous California Oktoberfest. Every weekend, Southern Californians can pick the experience that suits them best. Some events lean heavily on German cuisine. Some are 21 and older, while others are family friendly. Some are in the mountains. Some are on the beach. Most have polkas and American rock, sometimes played by the same band. And for dog lovers, there are a lot of dachshund races, too. Here are some highlights where you can celebrate Oktoberfest 2018: Oktoberfest in California Book your ride now this October with us!